The survivors ask the adventurers to rescue their friends and family, with the adventurers being directed towards the Underdark, where Drow civilization is situated. However, after a night of heavy drinking, they pass out and only wake up when the village is attacked by Drow, who kidnap a number of villagers. The game begins with the only two survivors (both chosen by the player) of a monsters-killing quest returning to a village situated somewhere in Icewind Dale, where they are celebrated for their success. The game also features Drizzt Do'Urden as one of the main characters. Menzoberranzan, an underground city populated by the Drow, had been introduced in the game materials two years earlier in December 1992 in a three-book box set called Menzoberranzan: The Famed City of the Drow by Ed Greenwood, R. Menzoberranzan uses the same game engine as SSI's previous game, Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession (1994), and is set in the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms campaign setting.

Anvil of Dawn, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries.Menzoberranzan is a 1994 role-playing video game created by Strategic Simulations (SSI) and DreamForge Intertainment.

Descend into the maws of many a dark and dangerous dungeon in search of your quest's end. You must keep your wits about you, your sword must stay sharp and ready, and your spells charged as you forge through Tempest's massive landscape. The world of Tempest is in need of a champion! You have been summoned to embark on a noble journey to save all of humanity from an evil fate.